Where to buy titanium, titanium compounds and titanium products

Opportunities to buy titanium are not as widespread as you would expect from such a promoted and extensively used material.

Titanium has risen from the status of a laboratory curiosity it had in the ‘50s, and the technological breakthroughs in extracting, refining and machining technologies have lead to an increase in supply available, and subsequently, to a constant and welcomed drop in titanium prices. Titanium is regarded today as a main structural component and is treated as such by many corporate and individual purchasers. However, titanium has not lost its status as a specialty and exotic material and specific knowledge regarding titanium properties, titanium grades and other special metal related attributes in order to buy titanium of the right specification for the particular application one is trying to develop.

As a corporate purchaser representative the necessary solution to buy titanium is a direct relation with one of the global major titanium suppliers. Usually both of the parties involved have specialty studies, training and expertise. In the corporate world, specific solutions need to be tailored to specific needs, and this is best done when to professionals meet each other and discuss in order to assess the possibility of achieving a mutually beneficial commercial transaction. Moreover, both the supplier and the purchaser have specific internal and external quality standards procedure which they must abide to and usual a correlation of these standards is critical.

Regarding the individual non-corporate buyer, usually the most widespread buy titanium transactions are those for small quantities of the metal for use in small scale titanium components manufacturing, such as titanium jewelry, custom made titanium bicycles and automotive titanium components.

For such cases, one of the best solutions to buy titanium would be OnlineMetals.com which is an internet-based small quantity metals supplier. Their titanium metal section includes grade 2 titanium (commercially pure - available as plate, round bar, sheet and tube), TI6Al4V titanium alloy (grade 5 - available as round bar) and TI6Al4V ELI titanium alloy (grade 23 - available as round bar). They are integrated with ThyssenKrupp Materials North America, which is a large stock supplier thus making their prices nearly as competitive with the corporate large orders values. They seem to lack the TI3AL2.5V titanium alloy (grade 18) which would be the preferred alloy for titanium road bikes

The dental practitioners that use titanium dental implants and titanium eyeglass frames producers usually need titanium shape memory alloys that have to be purchased from a specific third party manufacturer of NITINOL or similar alloy, rather than from a pure titanium metal producer.

School, colleges, universities, other institutes of education or research laboratories often need to buy titanium or titanium compounds in even smaller quantities and with special requirement regarding purity and/or packaging in order to implement small scale laboratory experiments according to their specific needs.

One of the best internet based solution for these circumstances is Goodfellow, that offers titanium metal and other titanium compounds adequately sampled and packaged for research, development, prototyping and specialized manufacturing operations, among theirs list of almost over 400 different materials presented in 28 different forms.

Titanium dioxide powder in larger quantities than what Goodfellow offers is often sourced to be used as a base mineral in small scale make up products usually by small business owners that are trying new recipes and lack the means for mass production or attempting a more "natural" approach. Though the web is flooded with offers, especially from Chinese companies, that seem to have adopted the on-line marketing concept very seriously, as for myself, I have yet to find a reliable, worth recommending, interned based supplier.

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