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Dan Demeter
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As comprehensive as this site is trying to be, is practically impossible for a single human to cover all the possible aspects of the infinite human mind. Not to mention, that while there is only one Dan, there are thousands of you, searching and reading about titanium. So there is a good possibility that you may need to find out about something that I haven't already written about. But chances are that I already know about that and I've overlooked it, or I've simply not found it to be that important. So, if you are interested in a particular aspect of the titanium metal, or certain titanium product, for example, please let me know, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
You may also want to peruse my collection of books about titanium and see if the topic you're interested in was not covered by someone else !
But chances are that I already know about that and I've overlooked it, or I've simply not found it to be that important. So, if you are interested in a particular aspect of the titanium metal, or certain titanium product, for example, please let me know, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Additionaly, if you would like to know more about titanium and its miraculous properties, use the below form to subscribe to Titanium Only the one and only e-zine about titanium. It is published monthly and it has lots of fun stuff and up-to-date info about the glamour metal.
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