Titanium wedding band – reinventing the concept behind the union symbol
A titanium wedding band can prove to be the perfect solution for one of the most difficult decision you will make regarding jewelry.
When choosing a ring, or a necklace, or a pair of earrings you needn’t worry that much, as you only have to wear a certain item one or two times, and, if you don’t like it anymore, you always have the option of just leaving it in your jewelry box waiting for your granddaughter to find.
But a wedding ring is something that is going to stick with you every day, for the remainder of your life. Yes, I know divorce is an option, but it’s definitely not something you would want to consider before you’re actually married.
There are a lot of choices out there today for wedding bands. Besides the classical gold, other materials have entered the jewelry market. You maybe comfortable with some of them, like platinum, but there are some others which carry names that you may even have some trouble pronouncing, and seldom lead your thoughts on things that have nothing whatsoever in common with wedding days. Let’s try some of them: palladium, tungsten carbide, iridium, and scandium. Nasty, isn’t it? They may be casual for a science geek, but in general, people have better things to do that burrow themselves in a place with no windows and mingle with stuff that can easily be described as a disaster waiting to happen.
But, there is always the titanium wedding band. Now, this is something that should catch your thoughts for more than a second. Yes, it still sounds like a high-tech, sci-fi materials, something that Enterprise would be made of. Well, actually, technically speaking, this is what Enterprise would be made of. Still, it’s worth looking at with a fresh eye believe me.
Above everything else a wedding band should represent the strength of the bond that unites two people forever. This is what it was meant for. A symbol for an eternal bond that is strong enough to endure everything. A bond may be indestructible, but unfortunately the symbols associated with this bond are mere material objects – and they withstand many stresses in this material world. They scratch; they alter their characteristics, and sometimes are simply destroyed by pure mechanical factors. You wouldn’t want that to happen, do you? Of course, it’s nothing but superstition, but still…a wedding ring should last forever, just like your marriage.
And this is what a titanium wedding band does. It lasts forever. And it stays the always the same, in the same status and appearance as the first day you put it on your finger. As shiny, durable and lightweight, just as your marriage should be.
An eternal bond. Nothing represent this better than a titanium wedding band.
And what do you know. It can be yours with a click of your mouse.

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